Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hello London

Our dearest friends moved to London two weeks ago now. :( He is in the air force and took an exciting position there for the next 3-5 years. We were privileged to get to know them well here over the past couple of years while he was getting his PhD at Purdue. One night during the last week they were here, we got two sitters for all the kiddos and went out on a double date one last time. 

Abigail and Leah winding down before bed.

All the kiddos...Abigail was such good friends with Leah and Rebekah. Rebekah (left) was her age, so they were fast friends. For a week or two after they moved Abigail was emotional, saying she missed Rebekah. :(  Poor thing - living in a transient city like West Lafayette - I'm sure she will have to deal with many friends coming and going. 

Goodbye Snyders. Thank you for enriching our lives as you did. We hope to visit you in London - Lord willing! :)

1 comment:

  1. I just saw this, Andria. Thanks so much for the post and for putting up the pictures! We miss you.
