Abigail started first grade this year! This was much more monumental for me than I had expected! Last year she just went three days a week. However, this year with her being gone all day everyday...I did not expect to be so emotional! Of course - I am pregnant, but still! She of course was completely excited. The only thing she was apprehensive about was the fact that she was going to have to wake up early everyday!!! This has been (and is still) a tough adjustment, but I think we are slowly adjusting, I think. But everyday when she comes home she is just so thrilled and excited! I can tell she is energized by school. So that's great. In fact, one morning John and I were both very tired and dragging. After she left with John for school I immediately started to feel guilty. I felt like we weren't very encouraging to her and sent her off for the day discouraged. Anyway, when I picked her up at the end of the day, I apologized to her and told her how badly I had felt all day. Her response? "Oh Mom - you're fine! I don't think about you at all! Once I get to school I totally forget about you! You're fine!" I was relieved, but I did laugh and told her that I am glad she has such a good time at school, but a thought
every now and then might be nice - just occasionally. :)
Day before school - we went for open house, when we could bring all her school supplies and get acclimated with her desk and room. Her quote as she puts her supplies in her desk, "I want to be really organized this year!"
These were for me. I was so emotional that day, so I treated myself. ;)