Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I don't know what my deal has been lately. It's been such a long time since I have blogged! Here is a quick recap of the past couple of months.

We spent Easter in Francesville with the Gudeman family.

Jackson with Great Grandma Gudeman. This kid loves the camera. Seriously, you put up a camera in front of him, and he strikes the best smiles. It's hilarious!

The girls getting ready for the big Easter Egg Hunt!

So excited!

Dancing Queen

Abigail LOVES to help me in the kitchen and she wanted to bake cookies. Well, the only time I will bake cookies, is if there will be opportunity for us to share (or give them away rather). We had Brad Widmer and Ben Sprunger over to lay a patio in our backyard, so I said we could bake cookies and serve them to Brad and Ben (we also delivered them to friends and neighbors - of her choosing :)).  Well, she took a plate out to them while I busied myself with something else. Before I knew it she was back in and heading back out with a plateful of cookies. I asked her what she was doing, and she said so matter-of-fact, "They want more." She looked so cute I had to get some pictures.

All the Gudeman grandkids at Lincoln's first birthday party. I can't believe he is 1 already!

There is his charming smile. This kid is so cute I want to eat him up. His squishy thighs don't help matters. I just love to squeeze and kiss on him!

Here is our family on Mothers Day at Family Dedication at church.

We have a fun week planned for Abigail this week. She is spending three days (started today) in Pretty Princess Dance Camp (I just can't stand how cute it is!) and then tonight we are attending a soccer call out/ice cream social. Abigail is a funny kid. She loves nothing more than glitz and glam and the more she can get the better! I'm talking hair accessories, make up, lip gloss (or chapstick, doesn't matter), jewelry, lotion, shoes, dresses, etc, etc, etc. She loves it all. HOWEVER, the funny thing about her is she also is showing a real interest in sports. She loves dribbling a basketball, kicking around a soccer ball, etc. So we are going to try it out and see how it goes.

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