Saturday, March 16, 2013

Missing Tooth!

So we went to some friends' house for pizza last night. As we were leaving, John heard Mariana (Abigail's friend) ask, "Abigail, did you loose a tooth!?" Dismissing the comment we left, thinking maybe Abigail's tooth just looked different to Mariana. We had the kids in their pjs, ready for bed, as it was past bedtime and everyone was tired. 

John and I drove separate cause he worked late. On the way home, he stopped by a Redbox to pick up a movie for him and me to watch after the kids were in bed. I had the kids by myself. Jackson was super tired, so I was hurrying, getting him to bed. Abigail went in the bathroom downstairs and starts yelling, "I lost a tooth! I lost a tooth!" I just thought she was being dramatic/emotional/tired. Sure enough she runs upstairs to show me. I could NOT believe it! We didn't even know her tooth was loose! And then come to find out the tooth right next to the now missing tooth is very loose too! 

So fun news is Abigail lost her first tooth. Sad news is we have no idea where it is! :( Sentimental mommy is sad at least - Abigail couldn't care in the least.

Toothless smile :)

Treat for the next morning!

I asked her to show me a toothless smile - this was the best we could get first thing in the morning. :)

1 comment:

  1. It's even cuter in person!! Doesn't seem like she should be old enough though to lose her fist tooth!
