Friday, March 15, 2013

Winter Fun

I went away for a weekend to Cincinnati to a BSF leaders' retreat/conference. It was awesome. John did a great job entertaining the kids with fun stuff to do. Jackson's other love is big vehicles - including firetrucks, firemen, etc. We took the kids a while back to Firehouse Subs, and they give the kids fireman hats with the kids meals! The hats were so well-loved John took them back to get some more. :)

The first night he took them to Firehouse Subs. The second was another night of dining out - first to Wings, Etc for wings, french fries, lots of ketchup and ranch, and then to swirl for yogurt/candy. ;) Inwardly I cringe - but I'm thankful they all had such a great time. 

We ladies had some time to kill the first afternoon we were at the retreat so some of us went to a nearby TJ Maxx - dangerous for me when I don't have my kids! I saw these cute Nike hats and couldn't resist bringing them back as a "souvenir". The kids loved them!

I don't know why but Abigail really wanted to do this pose for a picture. :)

Wouldn't you know it - the first of March - we received our first big snowfall for the winter! The kids and I took advantage and went out first thing in the morning. When most people were shoveling at 7 a.m. just to get out of their homes and off to work, we were shoveling/playing. :) I hope no one was trying to sleep in! :)

Jackson is really into PU Pete. John brought this hard hat home so he could pretend to be a construction worker, but Jackson quickly recognized it to be Pete's hat. :)

Abigail was inspired to take part in the PU theme. She got out her cheerleading attire, and did stunts with John.

The weekend after our snow it turned really warm! It was a muddy mess, but it was so nice out the kids went out after church to play. Because of the muddy mess we had a combination of snow boots, sweatshirts and rain jackets. What can I say? Weird weather requires weird attire. :)

Friday mornings we typically have a bit more of a laid back schedule, which is so nice at the end of the week. This week we had an even easier schedule because Jackson's PU play group/therapy was cancelled due to PU's spring break. The kids just played and played! I never cease to be amazed by the imagination and creativity kids have. Here they are pretending to be swimming and having a picnic (spring fever?). The blue blanket is the swimming pool, and they are setting up white napkins/"beach towels" for "lunch". 

So Jackson got to meet PU Pete! We had tickets to the last PU b'ball home game. John and I had plans for the evening as well, so we decided rather than getting two babysitters in one day, that we would just take one of the kids. It didn't take us long to decide that John should take Jackson. John said he literally sat beside him on the bench and didn't move the entire game. John of course LOVED every minute of this! :)

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