Saturday, January 28, 2012

I want to remember...

Something I've been thinking about ever since my evening last night is how this couple blessed me at Chick-fil-a. John took his POD (college ministry) skiing yesterday. To help make my evening with kids  pass I decided to take the kids to Chick-fil-a for dinner - this way I didn't have to cook. We could get out and be amongst other adults and people, and the kids could play and work off some energy before bed. 

We were having a great time. The kids had their nuggets, fruit, waffle fries and milk (well Jackson had a little of his milk before spilling it all over himself). Thankfully he was dressed in clothes that dry quickly. We'd already done the whole bathroom, diaper thing. I didn't want to have to change him again! 

Anyway, the kids ate and then quickly wanted to go play. I went in with them because Jackson still needs really close supervision. I saved the ice cream til the end - bribery for leaving. The kids played great, but the time was nearing close to when I thought we should be leaving. So I gave the 5 min warning. Well - suddenly I could tell Jackson was finished. So I quickly rounded up Abigail and carried Jackson out to get our ice cream. Well, the line suddenly was quite long. The couple in front of us had apparently not been to Chick-fil-a before, and she did not seem as if she was very impressed. FINALLY it was our turn to get our ice cream (with sprinkles of course). Jackson was growing antsier by the second. I was growing aware of the fact we may have played a few minutes too long, but I was hoping the ice cream would help us recover. 

After getting our ice cream we journeyed back to the table. I let the kids start eating. Abigail was thoroughly enjoying herself, but Jackson was struggling with the ice cream and quickly becoming irrational. So I started to quickly clean up our table - which was quite a mess. I threw away a huge handful of food, bags, napkins, etc etc. However Jackson was starting to lose it. So I strongly suggested to Abigail that it would be fun to eat her ice cream in the van on the way home. She was not quickly convinced, but was convinced nevertheless. I went to get Jackson out of the high chair and he lunged back. Now this kid is quite heavy these days, but he's also become very strong too! When he lunges back he makes himself so heavy I can BARELY pick him up. Sometimes I simply can't. So he throws himself back, and I couldn't get him out of the high chair. Suddenly I felt a firm hand (a very kind man) on the high chair bracing it so I could more easily get Jackson out. I thanked him, and tried to coral Abigail towards the door as I was trying to gather the last of our food and mess. Suddenly a lady swooped over and started picking up the rest of our mess (including the disgusting half eaten clementines, leftover, slobbered on grapes, etc. etc). I profusely thanked her and of course said - "o you don't need to do that." She quickly answered, "I've been there. Let me help you. I mean you only have two hands!"

I felt so bad, but I was so thankful to have that couple help me! They were such a blessing to me last night! It was such an example of grace and mercy. I want to be that couple for other moms who are struggling with a tough evening or situation with her kids. I especially want to remember it when I am no longer in the trenches of toddlers, tantrums, and so on. However, there are moments even now (though it feels like they are few) when my kids are behaving themselves in public, when I want to be aware of the needs around me. 

God bless that couple, and God bless those of you who bless and care for the moms with young kids simply in need of some extra hands. Sometimes I wonder why God only gave us two - but then it's also an incredible opportunity for others to serve and extend some extra, helping hands. 

Though he looks very angry and quite awful, he is really having a great time! :) He was having so much fun he refused to stop for me to get a picture.

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