Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Week

This has been an interesting week...frankly John and I have both been so sick with colds, coughs, bronchial stuff, skin stuff.... What's been crazier though is the grace God poured out over our home this week (at least over me). I don't know what it is, but the peace and grace of God has been so powerful this week. Sometimes when I am under the weather my already short temper becomes even shorter. And I'm always amazed at how my kids totally pick up on my mood and act accordingly. In other words, if I'm in a good mood - patient, loving, kind - my kids act the same. However, if I'm feeling short, impatient, grumpy (no matter how well I think I might be hiding it) my kids act the same way! Seems like this would be obvious to me - but I'm amazed at how much power I hold over the mood and temperament of my home. ANYWAY, all that to say, I was nervous Monday morning wondering how the day was going to be, given the fact I was not feeling well and John was still very sick. But oh how gracious our Lord is. Apparently He knew I couldn't handle much because our kids were sooooo good and well-behaved all day! In fact, John, knowing that it could be a tough day, told the kids that if they didn't have to be disciplined for misbehaving all day he would bring home a treat. (Yes - we occasionally resort to bribery. We are definitely not perfect parents).  

At one point during the day, as the kids were playing by themselves - so well by the way, I see that my rug is missing from my kitchen. I looked around a bit and found Jackson with it on the living room floor playing "carpenter" with it. Yes - I guess it does look a bit like wood. :) And yes - he is wearing a straw hat (pink - poor guy) because apparently it's the closest thing we have to a hard hat. :)

And these are the gifts John rewarded the kids with - both for good behavior and early Valentines. :)

Boiler up!

Valentines Morning

Grandma G sent the kiddos valentines to open. Jackson kept saying, "Thank you Grandma!" as I took these pictures.

Yes - Abigail is still wearing her Christmas pjs. :) But they're pink right!?

Jackson's new obsession is Purdue Pete. He LOVES him. He has this hammer that he carries around, pretending to be Pete. He even does the PU Pete walk - it's so funny! :)

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