Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bye Bye Binky

It's New Years Resolution time and one resolution John and I made for our family (or for Abigail) was to give up the pacifiers. Bye, Bye Binky and No More Pacifier for Piggy are two books that we checked out of the library earlier this week and have been reading over and over in preparation for us giving our pacifiers back to God. In the first book Nori (the little boy/cat) sends his pacifier away on a balloon. This seemed like a fun way for us to give up our own (Abigail's that is). Abigail adored her pacifiers. Every night and nap she had to have a minimum of two - one for her mouth and ideally one for each hand. She would have one in her mouth while rubbing the others on her cheeks. Then, she would switch out the pacifier in her mouth. It was crazy. :) Knowing this was going to be a REALLY big deal we promised her a "Paci Party". We invited over the Snyders because she adores Leah and Rebekah! They so graciously obliged and joined us in sending away our pacifiers.

It took 3-4 balloons per pacifier to get them up in the air. :)

We polished off the evening with some celebratory cake and ice cream. Outwardly we were celebrating, inwardly John and I were dreading the night ahead. :)

It took Abigail about 3 hours to finally fall asleep and she woke up early, but she at least she got some sleep. Her nap the next day went pretty smoothly as well. Hopefully, we are on our way to freedom...


  1. What a great idea! I'm already thinking about the day when we stop the paci. Sounds like Abigail did a good job. Love all the updates!!

  2. elijah loved his paci but it took us cutting the tip off it and he was fine with throwing it in the trash. He slept great that night and never did have a hard time. I can't imagine what you had to do to get rid of a paci. Hope she is doing well and not wishing it back. I love the updates as well:).
