Thursday, January 20, 2011


I'm always so thankful for the times that God encourages me with snippets of hope that maybe Abigail is getting some of what we are trying to teach her. This morning I was talking to her about what she learned last night at AWANA - the church's children's program on Wednesday evenings. They learned that God is Love. Well, she either was not in the mood or simply wasn't getting it (maybe a bit of both). So I dropped it and prayed a quick, silent prayer to God asking for wisdom. She's just been in a bit of a stage lately - discipline and behavior-wise.

Anyway, today we had BSF at church, which was just such a blessing. It was snowing quite a bit but not so bad that we needed to stay home. It was actually quite a pretty snow - light and fluffy flakes.

So we got to church and I got out and went to her side first to get her out before Jackson. As I got to her door and was unbuckling her seat she said, "Mom, you have sprinkles in your hair!" (aka snow :)) I chuckled and said something in reply. I got her out and we were walking over to Jackson's side. She then ducked her head and said in a pleading voice, "God, please don't put sprinkles on my hair."

It was such a small thing, but I just had to (or have to) thank God for that little encouragement - the fact that she attributed the snow to God causing it to fall. I hadn't even mentioned the giver of snow being God today, but she apparently knew that from previous teachings or conversations.

How gracious God is to us...

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