Saturday, January 15, 2011

Stop Sign

So I bet John is cringing as he sees this title, but I just have to write about this. Abigail says and does some of the funniest things and I know if I don't document them, I am going to forget this stuff.

Several weeks ago, one morning, our subdivision road was extremely icy. Our road is always far worse than other roads with more traffic. Our road then tees into a fairly busy road. Well, John was driving on the icy road and tries to stop before getting to the tee, and realized the brakes were not going to work. To make matters worse, our road kind of goes downhill near the stop sign, so he actually started picking up speed! In order to avoid the busy road he headed for a neighbors curb, so the snow would stop him. Well, in doing this he plowed into a stop sign splitting the pole in two. (I'm smiling as I write - knowing how embarrassed John is going to be reading this, but I feel that I need to give background) In his defense, I ventured out the same day, and had I not known he had done this and how icy the road was, I would have done the same thing. It really was bad!

Anyway, the bumper got dinged up, so he had to send the Pilot in to get fixed and he drove a rental for a few days. Of course Abigail noticed the different car so John told her what happened. Randomly Abigail remembers this and likes to talk about it.

Yesterday afternoon/evening we hear the garage door open, so we knew John was home from work. Ecstatic Abigail runs to the door to greet him. She opens the garage door and exclaims, "Daddy! You didn't hit a stop sign! Yay! Daddy! You didn't hit the stop sign!" She then runs to me..."Mommy! Mommy! Daddy didn't hit the stop sign!"

Then, this morning, she was watching John leave for work (she likes to do this when she is awake when he leaves - she stands at the garage door and watches him pull away). So as he is getting in his vehicle she instructs, "Daddy, don't hit the stop sign today! Be careful! Don't hit the stop sign!"

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